Friday, August 24, 2007

Response about : "U.N.: Diseases spreading faster than ever"

The article is taken from:

I don’t see anything cheerful in this news. Almost every sentence expresses pessimism, which is not good for me actually. Disease has emerged oddly more quickly than previous years. Whether that the new diseases really emerging more rapidly, or maybe our medical technology has improved so much until we can find and even differentiate diseases that we knew before even more. But overall I agree with the news featured in this article. This article shows us the imminent thread which has been hiding for a period of time could explode and become a new epidemic. It’s important for us to know about this news, so that we may be even more prepared and not surprised if the worst really happens

Transportation is a double-edged sword. We can go anywhere we like in a matter of hours even minutes. The same goes with diseases. After a person got a disease in a certain place, it got carried away together as the person travels. SARS in Singapore is transported from Hong Kong in similar way. Since diseases now have chances to spread faster geographically due to travels made by humans, it’s necessary for us to take precaution before diseases could have a chance to become a global epidemic.

Many cause altogether which makes new diseases and also the eradication of diseases. Virus and bacteria adapt and evolve for their own survival against drugs we use to counter them. These newly breed organism which is immune to certain drugs could be exposed to more mutations, which as a result, the born of new disease. The act of cutting down large rainforest and also expansion of human population are some of the factors. Unknown viruses which previously out of human reach, hidden in the woods or deserts, became exposed after the urban growth took place, removing forest and claiming new areas. These viruses can become lethal to us, and can be the culprit of the next epidemic.

Attempts have been made, for example immunisation and education. I hope that these actions could play an important role in this race against pathogens. There’s a high risk that SARS, Ebola, or other highly contagious disease could emerge again. But, humans also have the capability to adapt and to learn. We surely won’t let these diseases struck us twice, causing casualties. There’s a hope for us to win the never-ending battle against disease. As for me, being optimistic is the good start. Our emotion also plays a part in our health. By having a good and healthy mind, it affects our body as well.

1 comment:

RImsKSY said...

You have grasped the issues and their implications well. Your responses are measured and show feeling as well as understanding.