Sunday, February 25, 2007

Response about: Keeping kids safe from the temptation of the net

Keeping kids save from the temptation of the net. Lots of parents don’t understand the most effective way how to keep their children “safe”. Some assumed that the Internet mostly gives bad influences to their children, but I think that it’s not always right. Lots of useful information can be found in the net. I always use the net to find many sorts of information which is needed to do my schoolwork. After all, Internet is a form of informative technology

Based on my opinion, I completely agree with all the suggestions that the author gives to all her/his readers. Parents shouldn't give their children tensions so that the children won’t open the prohibited sites. They should act as their children’s peers, understanding the mind of their kids. Let them learn by themselves. Children still have a majority emotional side than rational. If they’re angry of somebody, or dislike someone, children tend to avoiding them. The children will have a mindset that their parents cannot understand them. By using questions instead of scolding, children can use their logic, so that they know by themselves that surfing too long or opening non-responsible sites can give bad implications to themselves. If we support them at whatever they do, children would come to us whenever they have problem

I've been taught that the best way to counter temptation is by faith. Teaching religious values to children can improve their faithfulness. Faith can broaden their minds about the world. From faith also, children can learn whether this is a good decision or a bad one, because all the values which every religions taught to their followers can strengthen their soul. Parents should introduce the good values of faith in their children’s early ages, so than that values would be rooted firmly in children’s soul.

Faith only is not enough. Logic is needed. They’re definitely can think for their own benefits. But most importantly don’t let they experience it so that they can get their understanding. Becoming a supportive parent is sometimes hard to practice. Bark to them isn't advisable. Sometimes to understand children, act and think like them is the best way. Doing what your children do isn't a bad idea, so that we may have a clear image about what children like.

Faith, support, and logic are the three key points to keep children/teen save from the temptation of the net. What the parents have to do just make sure that the teens/children know what they’re doing, and also have controls in it. If the children are facing the net like that, there won’t be any reasons for parents to be worried about their children.

Because I also a child of my own. And also I won’t make my parents disappointed of me

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